I just figured I would let you all in on the official scoop from Camp DandyLyon Whine.
First I wanted to once again thank all of you that came out to that great gig at the Crofoot, wherein we were the only band to actually show up. It was a great rockin' time. As you may have noticed, we were performing without the net of a bass player. This has been an issue for some time and we have made the decision that while we will not turn down any gigs that come our way, we will not book any gigs until we have taken care of this oversight.
Are we giving in? Oh, no. In the intermediate time we will be working on material for the upcoming album, due mid to late of next year. A lot of good ideas are brewing and I truthfully expect this album to be my best work.
In the mean time, the label is doing quite well and we are getting set to start recording a few new bands and hope to have that material out soon. There has been a slight site redesign and the addition of a forum on which to sound off about whatever you wish. Check it out at http://communistdaycarecenter.net
Thanks again and keep tuned in.