Thursday, May 10, 2012

The years after Labor Day

I sat down today and listened to The Day After Labor Day for the first time in a very long time and I've come to a realization; I like it. I mean, I always meant to put out an album that I would like, and I certainly have always liked the songs that appear on the album, but as I listened to it today all the little flaws that used to scream 'this isn't good enough' at me all seemed to have melted into the character of the album.

I think that the release of Coelacanth has helped me to realize that I am actually an artist and that my art does stand on its own. In other words, I am not a one hit wonder. I am capable of creating good work and I am here to stay.

Thanks for listening,

Friday, May 4, 2012

Adam Yauch

Thank you MCA, for helping the young, close-minded rocker I was learn to love hip-hop.