Sunday, July 31, 2011

Axis Mundi Fest

This upcoming Friday, August 5th, 2011 will mark the first annual AXIS MUNDI FEST, featuring the best from five local labels, Communist Day Care Center, Forget Records, Algae Tapes and Records, Sonic Lullaby, No Money Records, and more! The show will be at Sparklewood / North End Studios 2937 East Grand Boulevard Detroit MI 48202. 15 bands plus art from 10 artists for $5 cannot be beat. Doors at 7:30, show at 8:00, DandyLyon Whine is scheduled for 9.

Here's the facebook event

We'll see you there.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I Don't Want To Live Anymore

New song, New video, from the new upcoming album: "I Don't Want To Live Anymore" from Coelacanth coming in early 2012