I also received word today that the audio interface I ordered has reached the distributer and was shipped to the store today, and thus it should be in my possession within the next few days. Needless to say I am quite excited.
I used the AT2035 to record some tracks tonight through the preamp I've been using for the rest of the recordings so far and am already really happy with it. It is easily the best microphone I have ever used. It is super sensitive while running very quiet.
I also decided that it was time to show off the guitar I bought a month ago specifically for this recording process. It is an Epiphone Sheraton II.

As a side note: I saw one of my favorite performers for the first time last night, Jason Lytle, formerly of the band Grandaddy. When I say favorite I really mean it. This guy really speaks to me. It was an amazing performance. I picked up his new album and I can't stop listening to it. It is a little more laid back and mellow than the Grandaddy stuff, but it is so desperately sad that I literally have to choke back tears at times when listening to it. The album is called "Yours Truly, The Commuter" and it is on Anti Records. You should own a copy.
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